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Supporting Documents for Admission

       All applications for admission must be accompanied with:

  • Certified true copy of the child’s Birth Certificate in English. If it is in Hindi or a regional language, an English translation of the same on Rs.100/- stamp paper duly notarized must be submitted. Original Birth Certificate must be produced for verification.

  • Leaving/Transfer certificate from the last school attended. If the child is coming from outside Mumbai, the concerned Education officer should duly attest the Transfer Certificate. For Indian nationality children coming from outside India,the Transfer Certificate must be duly attested by the Indian Embassy/High Commission. The date of birth of the child should be clearly mentioned in the Transfer Certificate.If for any reason, the Transfer Certificate cannot be produced at the time of admission, it must be produced on or before the re-opening of the school’s academic year.

  • An undertaking needs to be signed by both the parents confirming that they would adhere to the regulations of the school and their financial responsibility to the school in terms of timely payment of fees, Annual fee hike and other charges, as and when applicable. Also, the parents in the undertaking shall indemnify the school for any damages or charges for any reasons whatsoever.

  • Medical Certificate from the family Doctor.

  •  One certified true copy of School academic reports or transcript for the last three years, as applicable.

  • A certified true copy of the Aadhaar Card.

  • Copy of the Passport, if applicable.

  • Two passport size photographs of the child.

  • One stamp size photographs of both of the parents.

  • One family photograph.

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